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Gaming, is it bad for you?

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WOW is the one game i see that makes people really strange. It seems the people who play that are obsessed and can't get straight without it. maybe I'm wrong but it just seems they are all possessed.

I am not possessed!!!!! Nor am I strange!!! :)

:) :) :)
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I don't feel like I'm losing control and need to grab a BFG and blow things up.

I honor you my fellow doom player!
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well i normally dont like to admit that games effect me personally but recently i finally finished all the missions in gta san andraes and since than i have found myself looking around at pedestrians on my way to work and trying to figure out how much money ill get for running them over

Edited by mikeloeven, 01 March 2010 - 04:54 PM.

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No, it just sounds like your playing a little too much. Maybe getting a little too... into it?
Try taking time resting in between playing, just pause it for a while and cool down your brain.

well i normally dont like to admit that games effect me personally but recently i finally finished all the missions in gta san andraes and since than i have found myself looking around at pedestrians on my way to work and trying to figure out how much money ill get for running them over

After playing Okami I would look at things in life and pretend to draw the rest of it.

Edited by JJR96x, 06 March 2010 - 11:35 PM.

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I think everything should be in moderation. You can have this sort of idea about many of the advances over time. When kids were sitting in front of the radio back in the day parents probably thought it was changing the way we think. Then Tv changed society in a new way. Yet maybe intense video games can alter our minds but its not alone in doing so. When looking at it from an anthropological prospective almost everything in our culture changes who we are. Video games are not exclusive in this.
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I think everything should be in moderation. You can have this sort of idea about many of the advances over time. When kids were sitting in front of the radio back in the day parents probably thought it was changing the way we think. Then Tv changed society in a new way. Yet maybe intense video games can alter our minds but its not alone in doing so. When looking at it from an anthropological prospective almost everything in our culture changes who we are. Video games are not exclusive in this.

speaking of changing society i kinda hope that one day when two countries go to war the armies will consist of small teams of specially trained nerds who will play video games to settle disputes instead of nuking each other off the face of the planet. the UN would be the admins and [bleep]slap the hackers to death

Edited by mikeloeven, 08 March 2010 - 05:28 PM.

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Mr. Green

Mr. Green


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I find that when placed in a situation that leaves me with limited video game access that I tend to work out more and live a generally more healthy lifestyle.
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WOW is the one game i see that makes people really strange. It seems the people who play that are obsessed and can't get straight without it. maybe I'm wrong but it just seems they are all possessed.

I am not possessed!!!!! Nor am I strange!!! :)

Yeah yeah yeah...

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Mm..I agree with everyone. Moderation is the key. Sure, after I play certain games I will think about them throughout the day but that's just because I am really interested and excited about the game. Same thing with how people play sports and often think about how they can improve their game.

Oh and as a girl gamer, it is bad in a sense. :) I have had guy friends who openly diss girl gamers and how they suck at it, or even worse, that girls don't play games.
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Mm..I agree with everyone. Moderation is the key. Sure, after I play certain games I will think about them throughout the day but that's just because I am really interested and excited about the game. Same thing with how people play sports and often think about how they can improve their game.

Oh and as a girl gamer, it is bad in a sense. :) I have had guy friends who openly diss girl gamers and how they suck at it, or even worse, that girls don't play games.

i never understood where the girls dont play videogames steriotype came from i see alot of girls online and a fair number of them are actually very good. for example on one of my favorite servers there is this girl with the screen name kitten who is almoast always on the top of the kill board. i have played with her for years and i can count the number of times i actually managed to shoot her on one hand

Edited by mikeloeven, 21 March 2010 - 11:01 PM.

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Sounds like you need to practise a bit more... :)
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OMG. You're awesome mikeloeven. You're one of the few guys to actually respect girl gamers.
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Personally i think TV and Music play a much bigger role in warping people than video games, i mean take FPS's, clicking a button to fire a gun is as far removed from the working of an actual game as my backside is from the darkside of Europa.

Video games and controversy go hand in hand like Iko and Yorda if you'll excuse the nerdy analogy.

2 guesses to where those 2 paraphrased statements come from.
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