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can't connect

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I have a wireless network, I live in a mobile home. My sons computer in his bedroom cannot receive a good signal. No one around here seems to know what to do. Can anyone tell me what I need to solve this problem.
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Matthew C. Miller

Matthew C. Miller


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We need a bit more information in order to help. Could you answer the following questions, please?

1. Do you have any other computer(s) that can connect to the wireless network successfully?
2. If you move you son's laptop into the same room as the wireless (or another room where other computers sucessfully connect) can it connect?
3. Is there any wall or partition that might contain metal between your son's computer and the wireless access point (this might be your cable modem, or similar device)?

Metal is often the culprit when unable to connect over a short distance; wireless (radio) signals have trouble travelling through/around metal. Distance may be a factor, but since you said it's a mobile home, I would tend to doubt this. Trying to connect with other computers or using your son's computer in another room will help identify whether the trouble is on his computer or possibly with the router.

Hope this helps!
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