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Vista: other users logins not working

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Hi. I wonder if you can help me with this.

Each of the four members of our household has a separate user login for our main computer. For the last few days, although mine has been fine (I'm the main user, and the administrator) the rest of my family has been having problems with their logins. Examples include looking at YouTube and finding that although titles and descriptions of video clips appear as normal, there are no screenshots, and it doesn't seem possible to get any of the clips to play (no such problem on my login, just the others). Problems with facebook too, apparently, with it not working properly for the others, but it's fine for my login. In fact, we've just tried logging the others in, and at the moment it doesn't seem to be allowing them to access their profiles at all. Despite this, my login still seems to be unaffected.

Possibly a coincidence, but I did remove a few programs from the machine a few days ago, as I felt there were too many programs we weren't using. However, I'm pretty sure I didn't delete anything important, and if I had deleted something important, surely it would affect all users rather than leaving me unaffected...?

Can anyone tell me what to do, please?

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try creating a new user account...does that account have the same problems as the others...
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Hiya. Thanks for your reply.

I've already tried to create a new user account, because I was doing a bit of Googling and I stumbled across this. So I followed the instructions, created a user profile for our pet rabbit, and attempted to copy my wife's files to the new profile. But when I try to log on as the new user, I get this:

Posted Image

Now, my wife's files appear to have copied correctly to the new profile (I can see some of them on the desktop), but I cannot get rid of this Google Toolbar thing. I've tried several times. Regardless of whether I click on accept or decline, I can't get rid of it. I can move it aside, and underneath it I find this:

Posted Image

With this, I can click on OK and it disappears.

But the Google Toolbar thing won't go away, and if I try to open an Internet Explorer window, nothing happens. I can't get an Internet Explorer window and therefore I'm unable to check the things that I mentioned in my earlier post (YouTube, facebook, etc.).

So I can't really answer your question as to whether the new profile has the same problems as the others.

My own profile, however, seems to be just fine as usual.

Any further suggestions would be greatly appreciated...
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using your account that works...go to the add remove programs in the control panel and remove google toolbar...
download firefox from here...install it and see if it has the same problems as IE...(firefox will work on all the accounts) this will tell us if a system setting or a IE browser setting

Edited by happyrock, 30 March 2010 - 12:27 PM.

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Wow, that seems to have done the trick. I've heard about Firefox, but hadn't ever tried it before. I've now set it as the default browser for all users, and everything seems to be working just fine. I think we'll carry on with Firefox, so there's no need for us to use IE. I guess this means we're done...? Thanks very much for the advice. I'll PayPal you enough cash to get yourself a beer...

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Wow, that seems to have done the trick. I've heard about Firefox, but hadn't ever tried it before. I've now set it as the default browser for all users, and everything seems to be working just fine. I think we'll carry on with Firefox, so there's no need for us to use IE. I guess this means we're done...? Thanks very much for the advice. I'll PayPal you enough cash to get yourself a beer...


:) ...great...looking forward to it :)

your welcome...and thanks for letting us know...
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