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Frozen Xbox360

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My Xbox360 is freezing on startup before dashboard. No RROD and audio/video loads for 1-2 seconds before freeze. Unplugged and checked all connections, cold start, change/no disc, rem HD etc. Thought it might be loose GPU that hasn't been recognised (yet) as hardware failure, not RROD so not covered by warranty, is there any way to do system reset?

P.S. F!$K Bill Gates. Product Recall NOW-please stop making them in China and blaming a widespread console design flaw (Inadequate Heat sinks 3mm above CPU, GPU & Motherboard) on consumer neglect. This is my 2nd Console (1st had 5 RROD repairs, this one is an 8 month old baby and had it's 1st RROD repair after 2 months). :)

Edited by mark1984, 25 March 2010 - 09:07 AM.

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