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Can't put computer to sleep/wake up

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I've always used the power button to put my laptop (HP Dv6824) to sleep, and usally just glance my finger over the touchpad to wake it up.
just recently pushing the power button doesnt put it to sleep, so i hit function+f5 (the sleep key) and it sleeps. Problem is once its asleep nothing will wake it up, pressing power, pressing keys, mouse movement, nothing. I can't even force a shutdown by holding the power button and am forced to pop out the battery.
The power button works any other time, like if its shut down i can turn it on fine and brinigng it out of hibernation, so I figure its gotta be some software problem?

any insight?

ps. my power button settings are to put it to sleep, cloing/opening the lid is set to do nothing

Edited by guy1, 25 April 2010 - 09:03 PM.

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