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Magnificent Exploding Head

Magnificent Exploding Head


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TECH SUPPORT: "How can I help you?"
LADY: "My computer started making a lot of hissing noise at me so I shut it down. Later when I turned it on, the computer started hissing and cracking, next I noticed smoke and a bad smell, then nothing."
TECH SUPPORT: "I will have a technician come over. Leave the computer as it is, so they can find the problem and fix it, or we can swap it with another computer. Give me your address; phone number and the technician will be there just as soon as he can."

When the technician got there, the lady showed the technician the computer, & explained what happened. The technician quickly found the problem.
Take a look at the pictures...you won't believe your eyes!
And you thought you had computer problems!

(photos 1 & 2)


But wait, there's more...
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Magnificent Exploding Head

Magnificent Exploding Head


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(photos 3 & 4)



{ A red belly black snake }

The technician told her: "It must have been after the mouse!"
The woman didn't think it was very funny at all!

Moral of the story? Never stick your fingers in the power supply!

This was sent to me as an email from my aunt in Florida.
I do not know were this incident took place.

Edited by Magnificent Exploding Head, 18 July 2010 - 12:37 PM.

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    Je suis Napoléon!

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i once worked on a friend's computer that he kept in his basement. he said it was making a crazy "creaking noise" sort of like a cricket, so i figured one or more of his fans were bad. i was wrong. when i opened the side of the case there were no less than 50 cave crickets hopping around inside.

i've also opened up cases to find mouse droppings inside (never a mouse, just the poop)
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I've seen that email before... it's amazing.

I cannot tell you how many times I have seen dead flies, spiders, cockroaches etc... Spider webs are common (which indicates a comfy home for spider and good flow of meals), have seen mouse poop as well but rare.

Ah the joys of a bench tech. :)

Actually I've just noticed something else... Australia has both 240V and red-belly black snakes... it probably happened near me somewhere! Yikes!

Edited by Troy, 30 August 2010 - 05:26 AM.

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