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W32 sality- How many of you have been hit with this bugger?

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I Just thought it might be fun to share our stories with each other.

I've been hit with it about a week ago on a network of computers... and oh boy was it fun getting rid of it :) . It caused me a lot of frustration but the joy was in getting every computer to be clean on the system :) . I know how much damage it can cause and the panic that resides with it. I've heard from a couple of people that needed to format their Drives...

This is just where you can share your experience of the Virus and tell us what it felt like after getting rid of it.

So let's start celebrating getting rid of the little bugger :)
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Ugh! That thing made me bang my head against a wall atleast 200 times. There's now a nice dent in the wall. EVERYONE in our home had it. And that's..1, 2, 3, 4 computers with that thing on it! But looking back, I was the only person with an AV on. A few all-nighters later I remember me saying, "People! If you have anything on your computers that is really important, get in here!" I think we only backed up a few things like documents and like. And I reformatted. To me, that's like throwing up a white flag. Another few re-installing WinOS and Drivers days later, we were all clean With Anti-Virus. And then...my dad's computer got it. Again.

There was a hole in his desk from me headesking it.

Edited by Tigereye, 15 September 2010 - 10:44 PM.

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Sality/Virut has been re-known to cause a lot of damage on the infected machine. I encountered Sality only a week back on the other forums which I'm assisting on. Most anti-virus scanners claim to be able to remove it successfully although that is questionable. Depending on where your seeking assistance most online forums will recommend a reformat if the log files come back quite badly.
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well,my grandpa had it too.....he also had to bang his head agasinst the wall to get rid of it.....he had this with autorun-inf worm on his pc....so he literaly had to commit a big bang with the wall .. ;) :) :) ;)
untill i bought him avast! free antivirus and it caught those two annoying tics and moved them to the chest....they are still locked in the chest..... :) :unsure: :yes: :)


Really? You bought him a free version of an antivirus? If he had sality, that would not have been enough to take care of it. Please avoid any more posts on your methods of virus removal.
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