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Itunes can not connect to itunes store...an unkown error occured

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Itunes has not been able to connect to the Itunes store for over a week now, I used to be able to connect fine but now everytime I go to do something in the store it says "ITUNES CAN NOT CONNECT TO THE ITUNES STORE, AN UNKOWN ERROR OCCURED" I have tried everything I have been able to find and nothing has worked, it wont even let me sign into my account without this error coming up
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  • PipPipPip
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Uninstall Itunes, reboot, clean your registry if you know how to, reboot, Install the latest Itunes, reboot, and try it out!

By the way are you using your Apple device on multiple computers? I heard they're single computer specific, which means you'll be locked out if trying to use Itunes on a different pc other than the one that was first used.

Good luck
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