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Weird And Scary Places

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  • PipPipPip
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;) Your task is to name out the scariest places we have ever been and describe why you think it is scary.(Minimum 20 words) :)

You can also include a story or history about the place, you can also post a picture about it. ;)

By the end of the week/month. the person with the scariest post wins. :(

There will be three rounds for this event - the first round is from 12 nov to 19 nov.

Thanks and have a nice day trying.

Ps: Do not post irrelevant posts that are not concerning this topic.

Happy posting! ;)
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Centralia, PA in the US is an interesting place. It's a town that is almost completely deserted because it is literally on fire and is prone to collapse at any minute. There has been an underground mine fire there for years, and all the trees are dead and there is always smoke emanating from holes in the ground. It's really spooky at night, especially the cemetery.

Wikipedia entry
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  • PipPipPip
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Nice place to visit, but you wouldn't want to live there. :D
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