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Are there inexpensive Tablet PC's?

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I want to buy my parents an iPad. Problem is I just dont have that kind of money to spend. Is there a good equivalent out there for $250 or less? Preferably under $200. Mostly I want it for them for email and light internet usage (fantasy football, facebook, some app's maybe and the like). Data plans or phone service aren't necessary as long as it has wi-fi. I want a tablet for them vs. a netbook because it is less likely they would goof it up.
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A friend of mine just picked up a Zenithink ePad for his mother's Christmas present. He ordered it from eBay and got it a couple days ago. I haven't gotten to see it, but he said he played with it a little bit because he needed to teach his mother how to use it. He also has an iPad, so there is a comparison point there. Needless to say, he said he was shocked by the quality and functionality for a sub $200 tablet.

He said it's not as nice as the iPad, but he didn't feel that he got ripped off or anything. He felt that he got his moneys worth out of the purchase.
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