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Vista: b(lack) screen of death

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Huge apologies for the double-post! I thought I'd found a solution, but apparently I haven't.


First of all, apologies for bothering you with such a seemingly common problem, but I'm having a nightmare with this and need some help.

I'm using Vista (I don't recall which exact version, sorry) but today I just can't get my computer to start. I get to a pure black screen with a single white cursor in the middle. Research tells me that this is quite a common problem, but none of the suggested solutions have worked for me. I have tried the following:-

1) Removing USB devices.
2) Running system restore. I successfully restored the system and got into Windows proper, but all processes/programs crashed as soon as I'd started them, rendering it useless. I restrated and boom, straight back to the black screen.
3) Running system restore in Safe Mode. Same results.
4) Running explorer from the task manager. Didn't work, as the explorer process crashed immediately.

I've been having a few problems with various processes crashing on start-up over the past couple of weeks, so I wonder if these problems are related.

Any help on this matter would be much appreciated. I guess an easy solution would be to completely reinstall Windows, but that isn't really an option as I lack an installation CD. I'd be very grateful for your help!
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I've been having a few problems with various processes crashing on start-up over the past couple of weeks, so I wonder if these problems are related.

I read over your malware topic and I see you had a Rootkit back in September. Please read how serious a Rootkit is http://www.guidingte...t-is-a-rootkit/ You may have been targeted again.

You can try these suggestions:

What is the make of your computer? (Toshiba, HP, etc)
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Thanks for the swift response. My computer is a Fujitsu Siemens.

I've tried the procedures outlined in the article but to no avail. It seems that Windows is actually booting, but it just won't let me do anything.

Regarding the Rootkit, that us quite worrying. I made sure to update all my security software after the last problem, but I guess it didn't work.

Regardless, I'm pretty desperate to get this sorted ASAP.
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See if these instructions work .. by LeeTutor

3.2 Restoring the system from the hard disk
Your personal data could be lost during restoration of the factory default settings. The
operating system is restored on the system partition on which the factory default
settings were installed. Data on other partitions or hard disks is unaffected by this
restore processes. Should your system be attacked by 'uninvited guests' from the Net,
such as viruses, reformat all hard disks and restore your system with the system restore
disks provided with the computer or which you have created.
Caution If you would like to set up a RAID system on your PC or notebook, you must
create your system restore disks before you do so.
If you need to use these disks, it may first be necessary to terminate the
RAID connection.
Please also note that, in the case of RAID systems already installed, it is
possible that restoring the hard disk as described below may not function.
Caution! Personal data could be lost during restoration of the factory default settings.
Proceed as follows to restore the factory default settings:
1. Turn your machine on
If the PC is already running, switch the machine off, wait for a moment and then
switch it on again.
2. During the boot process, press the F8 key at very frequent intervals, until the menu
"Advanced Boot Options" appears. Repeat this process if necessary in order to
gain access to this menu.
3. The "Advanced Boot Options" menu will offer you the "Repair your Computer"
function. If this is not the case, use the up/down keys (À;À9) to select "Repair your
Computer" and confirm with the Enter key.
4. Once Windows has loaded a few files, "System Recovery Options" will appear.
Under "Select a language" and "Select a keyboard layout:" specify the language
and keyboard layout. As a rule, the language will be automatically recognised by
the system and is marked in grey. Click on "Next".
5. Under "User name:" enter the user name and the "Password". The user name will
also be available in the selection menu and can be called up by clicking on the
black triangle. If you have not assigned a password for the user selected, leave the
"Password" field empty. Then click on "OK".
6. In the following "System Recovery Options" menu, select the option "Fujitsu
Siemens Computers Recovery" with the sub-item "Easy backup and recovery
of your system".
7. In the next menu, select "Restore the as-delivered status" and click on "Next".
8. In the menu "Restore factory default settings", choose the option "From hard
disk (recommended)" from "Select source" and confirm with "Next".
9. The next message informs you that all data could be lost. Once you have
confirmed this message, your system is restored.
On completion of the restoration process, a confirmation message will be
10. Select "Exit" to close the process.
11. In the following "System Recovery Options" menu, select
12. After the restart, you must make some adjustments. To do this, follow the onscreen
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I've followed the steps until the Ststem Recovery Options dialog appears, but there is no Fujitsu Siemens Recovery option. Only, Startup Repair, System Restore, Windows Complete PC Restore, Windows Memory Diagnostic Tool, and Command Prompt.
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See if the startup repair works. If it does, then back up your important files to a DVD or external hard drive, just in case the hard drive is failing. You will need to run some diagnostics on your computer's hardware.
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"Startup repair couldn't detect a problem." Woe is me.
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I can get into Windows using System Restore, I just can't run any processes. Do you think it's maybe best just to backup my files and reinstall? I'd rather that was a last resort, but if it comes to it...
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Download one of these bootable Anti-virus rescue ISO. Using ImgBurn, burn the .ISO file to a CD at a slow speed.

Follow the instructions for booting and scanning.
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Done via BitDefender. 27 infected items found, 21 of which failed to disinfect. Vista issue persists.
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27 infected items found, 21 of which failed to disinfec

I suspect that you have some malware on your computer causing issues that we are not able to solve through means we can use here in the Tech Forums. I suggest you read the 'Start Here' topic found here. With these self-help tools you have a high chance of fixing the problems on your own. If you are still having problems after following Step 3 of the guide, continue with Step 4 and 5 and post in the Malware Forum. If you are unable to run any programs, Please create a topic stating what you have tried so far and that you are unable to run any programs. Also, Please do NOT post the logs in this thread.

If you are still having issues after the malware expert gives you a clean bill of health, Please return to THIS thread and we will pursue other options to help you solve your current problem(s).
Add a link to this topic so that malware tech can see what steps have been taken here
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Murrr, follow rshaffer61's instructions. We can't help you with malware removal in this particular forum.
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