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    Tech Staff

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Hhhhmmm ok, what options do we have for scouting through the water, which seems to be an isolated lake? Do we have boats, ships, docks?

I am thinking we are going to need a Minager as well.

Let me know what the advisers think on these issues.
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You could set up a Minager in the forest to increase production, and then use that wood to create a ship. Or, you could just harvest the wood independently and take longer.
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    Tech Staff

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A Minager near the forest sounds pretty good. Perhaps close to the Uplink we have recently built, to the bottom-left of it. Also I am guessing we will need to create some form of transport connection, such as a dirt road, for this new Minager.
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    Tech Staff

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Uh oh... Starting to think if this freezing issue is related to more than just graphics card drivers...

Any patches available? Say Hivemind 1.01?
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    Tech Staff

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OK this freezing definitely seems to be hardware related. I think I'm going to build me a new computer.

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