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Problems with My Videos folder?

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I've been going through all of my files/folders/photos on my laptop. Trying to get organized and delete unneeded files.

in the My Videos folder I find a couple of videos but the rest is just a mish mash jumble of basically anything and everything I have on my laptop. All of my art is in there (even though I have a separate folder named portfolio).Every photo is in there. All my notepad files and mp3 files. Really every possible thing that's on my laptop is in this folder. So I start sending files from there to the recycle bin thinking somehow these are all duplicates. Luckily I found out before I permanently deleted anything that the items in this folder are NOT duplicates. Well they are but when I move them to the recycle bin they also delete from their original folders!

So, I restored everything. Now when I run a search for something, let's say one of my art photos, I find it is in two locations, it's in my Portfolio folder AND my videos folder. If I delete it from My Videos folder it's also completely gone from my Portfolio.


Edited by PippiTheSockGirl, 31 March 2011 - 09:45 PM.

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Make sure the Portfolio folder is not simply a shortcut to the Videos folder (or vice versa).
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It doesn't appear to be from what I can tell. But it's not just duplicate files in the Portfolio folder. There's duplicate files of everything. If i save a notepad txt. file to my desktop it saves also in My Videos. Then if I delete it from my Videos it deletes from both places.
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I figured it out. Somehow Windows was including all my folders in My Videos.

To remove a folder from a library
When you no longer need to monitor a folder in a library, you can remove it. When you remove a folder from a library, the folder and its contents are not deleted from their original location.

In the taskbar, click the Windows Explorer button .

In the navigation pane (the left pane), click the library that you want to remove folders from.

In the library pane (above the file list), next to Includes, click Locations.

In the dialog box that appears, click the folder you want to remove, click Remove, and then click OK.
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