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Changing when password required

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I'm running Windows 7 Home Premium, 32 bit on a Dell laptop. Since it is a laptop I shut it down and restart it almost every day. In doing so, I want the security of having to use a password on resume to protect my data but is there any way to require a password on resume, but not on boot. Since whenever I boot the computer I am going to be using it right then, it would be nice to be able to walk away from the computer for a minute and come back when it is ready and booted. Is there any way to do this, either through Windows 7 itself or perhaps a third party program? Thanks for any info.
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Welcome to Geeks2Go!

Yes indeed you can have Windows prompt for a password when it is woken up from sleep mode. However, for that to work, your user account must have a password assigned to it so that you'll be prompted for the password everytime you start Windows. This same password is the one Windows asks for on wake up.

So first you need to set a password up on your user account: Control Panel >> User Accounts.

Having done that, Control Panel >> Power Options.
In the left pane, click Require a password on wake-up
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Welcome to Geeks2Go!

Yes indeed you can have Windows prompt for a password when it is woken up from sleep mode. However, for that to work, your user account must have a password assigned to it so that you'll be prompted for the password everytime you start Windows. This same password is the one Windows asks for on wake up.

So first you need to set a password up on your user account: Control Panel >> User Accounts.

Having done that, Control Panel >> Power Options.
In the left pane, click Require a password on wake-up

Thanks for the reply, but I know about that. I wanted to know if there was any way to require a password on resume from sleep or hibernation, without having one on computer boot-up? Thanks again.
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