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No Stereo Mix - 2 Audio Channels

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I've been looking into this problem I've had for many months now and nobody is ever able to help me out (most of the time, flat out not responding). I apologize ahead of time, as this is going to be kind of long.

My situation is that I want to be able to do a stream (on something like Justin.TV or Ustream) wherein I record the audio from myself and from Skype and also have the visual of my webcam and my computer screen. Now, I know that with Webcam Max, I can accomplish the video portion of this. The problem comes in with the audio.

I have a Windows 7 Dell Inspiron Zino HD computer with a Conexant HD Smart Audio 221 sound card that does not give me the option of Stereo Mix, Wave Out, or any other "what you hear" functions. Before you ask: 1) I have tried to update the driver and that doesn't do anything, 2) I have clicked to show the disabled and disconnected devices in the volume controls but nothing shows up.

Another thing that is causing an issue is that I'm using a webcam with a built in microphone as opposed to 2 separate devices, so this means I can't simply buy a 3.5mm splitter, especially since I obviously need to be able to hear the people talking to me while this is going on, so I can't ignore the earphones I need to plug in as well.

I don't have the money to buy a sound mixer or a new sound card or a new computer, so if we could, can we just skip that suggestion? I know that buying a Mac would solve a lot of this, but unless you're willing to give me a thousand bucks, that's out of my realm of possibility.

Any help is appreciated! Thanks.
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Any suggestions?
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Bump again....I would really appreciate some help.
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Alright well you might as well delete this thread if nobody is going to reply. Thanks for nothing.
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I have read this post and would be very interested in seeing if anyone has an answer. I think it is a shame that it has not been answered yet. So if anyone out there does know, please reply, thanks.
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