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Anybody that records and has a Dazzle help?

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Legend Gaming

Legend Gaming


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I don't know if you guys know anything about this product but you guys are smart so I hope somebody does.

OS: XP Home Edition

Bought a 'Dazzle DVC100 Platinum HD' capture card in April and it worked fine. Since then I've had my computer wiped twice for various reasons. I have all of the proper drivers for the product, and under Device Manager it says that it's working properly. But I tried two different softwares to record, and it didn't work.

Debut Professional "No valid capture device is found"

Windows Movie Maker "An unknown error has occurred" .. I even tried using different USB slots and it still did nothing.

I re-loaded service pack 3, fixed the drivers, and a couple other things I can't remember.
So if anybody could help me it would be much appreciated.
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