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Acer Aspire won't boot

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My Acer Aspire x1700 won't boot after it's been left going into sleep mode. ( After re-installing windows 7 family pack I was downloading-executing chipset drivers when I left to get some food... and I'm not sure wether its the sleep mode or the driver that installed and caused the crash(altough I think it's the sleep mode since you have to click and confirm driver installation)

I had a similar issue with another computer left in sleep mode- I had to toggle off the power switch at the back of that computer for 15 seconds then back ON and it started.

So I tried unplugging the power cord on for 15 secs- even minutes, and it didnt work.

The computer looks plain dead, there is no sound nor light coming out of it.

How can I bring it back to life?

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