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Help with DVD to digital transfer

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Help with DVD to digital transfer
Here is my issue. I have alot of dvds with home video/sports/tv shows etc.... that i made with my dvd recorder.

Major problem is there has been some glitch in my dvd recorder that won't let me finalize a dvd I just recorded on. I've tried numerous things and can't figure it out, so I moved on from that. BUT...I can only watch these dvds in that dvd recorder, since they weren't finalized they won't play in any computer or other dvd player.

So if something happes to this recorder, those dvds are useless.

I want to transfer these dvds to digital format, whether it be to an sd card, hard drive, my macbook pro.

I've seen a device that says you can transfer from dvd player to this device and save footage onto a sd card and put into your computer, but heard mixed reviews so I was hoping there is a more proven way to do this.

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Hi tonycash,

Have you ever been able to finalize?

You can get a better job than costco.

There are definitely more proven ways. I don't want to go on with explanations if you already sent them off.

More proven ways involve purchasing equipment, software and dedicating time to learn it. I get the inclination you'd rather not get so involved.

Do you even have a computer with firewire input?
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Sorry about the costco comment - that thought was in my head from reading a different forum.
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