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Also there could have been a trial version of anti virus software that came with the system but I did not activate it. Can't remember for sure if I had any other av software.
I will wait for your suggestions on anti virus software before I delete Spyware Dr. Please let me know if there is a procedure to make sure that program is completely gone.

Edited by willashe, 02 December 2011 - 03:01 PM.

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    Certified monkey.

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I use avast free and malwarebytes pro.Do you know if the trial version was norton or mcafee?
http://www.avast.com...ivirus-download (avast is free all you need to do is re register after a year)
http://www.malwareby...alwarebytes_pro (you can use the version to remove malware but if you purchase it provides realtime protection with a one time fee of about 25 dollars you will have protection for life)

Also if you do decide to uninstall spyware doctor check in the services and see if it is still running.If it is we will go from there.

"I did see a duplication of IE windows tool bar update 86 and I did not disable it. Should I??" I would.

Glad to here things are running better. !! :)

Edited by rockmilk, 02 December 2011 - 06:02 PM.

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Will uninstall Spyware Dr.
Could be I had a Norton trial version that came with the system. I deleted all extra trial software as soon as I got it. Lenovo is pretty good about not loading up their computers. If you want to check for left over Norton or McAfee I will try.
No problems at this point.
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Applications shown in Ccleaner shows McAffee AntiVirus checked. Could there be a remnant left that should be removed.
I did install Avast Pro. So far so good.
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Look in your add remove programs and delete mcafee if is there uncheck it in ccleaner and run this tool.

If you are sure you had norton here is the removal tool for it.

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Updating all is well, have Avast running with Spyware Dr and Registry Mechanic removed.
I did find some left over bits for Registry Mechanic and Mircro Trends in regidit and removed.
Question about CC cleaner. Can I use it to clean my registry occasionally? I wont know if I should or shouldn't take it's recommendations. How about using the cleaner and taking it's recommendations?
I have been using Slim cleaner with no apparent problems.
Thanks again.
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Ccleaner is fine to run,but as far as the registry cleaner I stay away from those I had a bad experience in the past with a program called Reg-Cure It made my computer unable to boot and I havent used a registry cleaner since but the choice is yours.I dont use them personally.I can only tell you that I WOULD NOT like I said thought the choice is yours.

Glad to hear things are still good. :) :thumbsup: :)
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