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BSoD Son's New Gaming Computer

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Sandy Risher Lassman

Sandy Risher Lassman


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Okay, thanks. I think we'll go ahead and do SFC first...I understand it better :)
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Sandy Risher Lassman

Sandy Risher Lassman


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We decided to re-install Windows last night, worked for 6 hours...when Windows did its auto update this am, the system crashed. We are throwing in the towel and sending it back for repair/replacement/refund. Decided it wasn't worth any more of our time, and it came with a no questions asked return policy the first 30 days, 2 year warranty. FYI, we purchased from New Egg. I'll keep you posted if you want on the results, and really appreciate the time you spent trying to help us. Feel free if you have any recommendations of any better place to buy a gaming pc for my son in the $600 range - we may end up with our money back. MERRY CHRISTMAS :) Sandy
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Yes I would really want to know what they say the issue is.
I will see what I can find in your price range.
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