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Windows 7 BSoD - out of ideas

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I would uninstall Nortons completely and replace it with something like MSE.
Microsoft Security Essentials provides real-time protection for your home or small business PC that guards against viruses, spyware, and other malicious software.
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I've been using Norton Antivirus for around the last 8 years, and it's saved my booty on several occasions, and never really been a problem with either crashing or resource footprint. I'll be the first to admit their customer service is less than commendable, but deleting it and getting something new feels a bit like throwing out the baby with the bath water.

That being said, if Norton anti virus is proven to be the cause of my BSoD issues, and a resolution cannot be obtained, I will drop it like a hot potato.
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You had 10 errors indicated on your VEW log in 13 seconds all caused by nortons.
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I'll disable norton antivirus and try operating for a few days without it on. The big test is usually after shutting down for a period of time and then turning things back on. So I'll update with test results.

Also, I ran VEW again and used the by-date function rather than just the last X amount of errors. attached.

Also, no movement on my topic in the malware section today. malware forum

Attached Files

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Also, I ran VEW again and used the by-date function rather than just the last X amount of errors. attached.

THis one shows issues with the OS and more exact the Control Manager allowing updates.

Also, no movement on my topic in the malware section today

Be patient as they are extremely busy in the malware forum.
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I have now written this post 4 times, as my coputer hasd crashed three times during the course of trying to write it.
-I got trapped in a loop of seemingly never ending crashes. Sometimes BIOS would not post... the screen would just stay black and never do anything. Other times it would BSOD just as I got to log into windows. I did this for nearly half an hour before giving up and reformatting.
-I resorted to reformatting and reinstalling windows, and ONLY loaded the windows updates. Nothing else, no other programs. No Norton, not even firefox or chrome.
-This morning I went through the same ordeal as before. It took about 4 attempts to get through BIOS, and crashed logging into windows another 3 times.
-I'll try to attach a VEW log.
-my HDD sounds like a jet engine.
-One of the blue screens had a quick flash of the word **hardware failure** before it turned into another BSoD screens. And to be honest, I think that is the answer now.
Just trying to figure out what hardware piece it is. I don't believe it is the videocard or memory, or the CPU. My suspision is primarily on the MOBO, the HDD or the PSU.

VEW was unable to find any errors after all I've gone through this morning, so there is nothing to attach.
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Since you formatted and did a fresh install we can rule out the OS as the issue then.
Since you mentioned the hard drive lets test it now.

Run hard drive diagnostics: http://www.tacktech....ay.cfm?ttid=287
Make sure, you select tool, which is appropriate for the brand of your hard drive.
Depending on the program, it'll create bootable floppy, or bootable CD.
If downloaded file is of .iso type, use ImgBurn: http://www.imgburn.com/ to burn .iso file to a CD (select "Write image file to disc" option), and make the CD bootable.

NOTE. If your hard drive is made by Toshiba, try the Hitachi DFT CD Image version of the software

Thanks to Broni for the instructions
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