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PLEASE HELP! Burning streamed video to DVD *My job is on the line,

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I am a law student and my boss is a foreclosure/bankruptcy attorney who is giving a seminar tomorrow. He gave me the task of burning a couple clips about foreclosure from 'The Daily Show with Jon Stuart' to a DVD. The first clip I had no problem burning to a DVD because I was able to find it as an MP4 file and save directly to Windows.
This second clip, however, is ruining my life right now:


(also available here on vodpod.com, although I believe it takes the video from the first link I provided above): http://vodpod.com/se....closure crisis

The links to this second clip are both Adobe flash videos. I spent over 3 hours today attempting to convert it so that I could download/save to Windows and then burn to DVD, and I’ve been unable to do so.
I searched Google and downloaded over a dozen programs that claimed to be able to rip or convert such videos so that I could save it and then burn it. None of these programs worked, and some of them seem to be adware/malware that is slowing/messing with my computer.

If I am unable to get this clip burned to a DVD, not only will my boss not have the materials he needs for his seminar, but he will know that I wasted over 3 hours on such a menial task and still failed at it.

I am BEGGING someone, anyone here who knows anything about this stuff and has the proper software to help save me (and likely save my job).
Can somebody PLEASE convert this clip to a file that’s save-able to Windows (like an MP4, or ANYTHING THAT WILL WORK) and then e-mail it to me so that I can burn it to a DVD? ([email protected])
Not only is this stuff causing me to be on the verge of a nervous breakdown, I still have other projects to complete for this job before tomorrow and I can’t afford to spent a single minute more trying to figure this out on my own, because then I will not have enough time to finish my other projects in time.

PLEASE HELP! I will be forever indebted to someone who can save me right now
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I'd do it but my computer isn't working right now and I can't do it on my tablet but a simple way you could do it is to find a screen recording program and play the video while recording to a useable format. Sorry this is probably too late, hope you keep your job :/
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