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AM and PM Question

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Hi there,

Can someone learn me how the PM and AM clock works? In the Netherlands we got a 24 hours... My teacher English told me this.

AM - After Midnight (0:00 to 12:00)
PM - Past Midnight (12:00 to 0:00)

But I am not sure about this, so I ask it here.
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    GeekU Admin

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Hello, and welcome to Geeks to Go and GeekU. Your English teacher isn't quite correct. AM stands for "ante meridian", which is Latin for "before midday", and PM stands for "post meridian", which means "after midday". That means that AM is any time from 12:01 to 11:59 in the morning (00:01 to 11:59 in a 24 hour clock), and PM is from 12:01 to 11:59 at night (12:01 to 23:59 in a 24 hour clock). You will sometimes see people refer to 12 pm or 12 am, but that is not correct - it's more correct to use the term 12 noon or 12 midnight.

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I don not realy understand it... Can't I get 24 hour clock here?
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Hi Quote!

What clock are you referring to?

If you are referring to your PC clock, then
1. Click on the clock on your system tray
2. Change date and time settings
3. Change calendar settings
4. Go to Time tab
5. In the Time Formats section, you will see Short time and Long time.
The small 'h' represents the hour portion of your clock.
Change them to uppercase 'H'

Time should be displayed in 24 hour format after that.
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I mean for the forums here.
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