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Virus? [Closed]

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Dell computer. When turned on PBR 1...done [XLDR] !ATA appears. What to do?
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    Trusted Helper

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Hello and welcome to the Geeks to Go Virus, Spyware & Malware Removal forum. My name is Josh and I will be helping you remove your infection. I am only human not superman - I can make errors but will do my best to help you as best I can so we can solve your problems. If you have since resolved the original problem you were having, I would appreciate you letting me know. Please include a clear description of the problems you're having along with any steps you may have performed so far if you haven't already.

Some of the following instructions to begin the malware removal process can be hard to follow - let me know if you have any questions. Please read all of my responses through at least once before attempting to follow the procedures described. I would recommend printing them out, if you can, as you can check off each step as you complete it. Also please do not attempt any disinfection procedures without my instruction as things can go wrong that way or lengthen the time it takes to disinfect your computer. Also please follow your topic to conclusion or your system may not be completely clean, and it will be more vulnerable to future infections.

Throughout our interactions I will be using canned speeches. These are premade speeches for different scenarios we will encounter. If you find errors like bad links in my canned speeches please let me know so I can fix them.

Please copy and paste all logs into your reply. Do not attach logs to a post unless I tell you to or if they don't fit in the post.

One more thing - please refrain from using your computer until it is disinfected unless you absolutely have to (unless you are following my disinfection procedures) - if you do have to use your computer please disconnect it from the Internet - that way the current malware cannot propagate further infections.

Expect no more than 36 hours between your post and my response unless World War 3 breaks out and I will need at most 48 hours for initial analysis of your OTL log. Good luck! After 4 days if a topic is not replied to we assume it has been abandoned and it is closed.

What version of Windows are you running on the Dell? Do you have access to another computer? A cd burner? A flash drive? A Windows install cd with the same version as your Dell? Can you access safe mode on the malfunctioning computer?
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    Trusted Helper

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Due to lack of feedback, this topic has been closed.

If you need this topic reopened, please contact a staff member. This applies only to the original topic starter. Everyone else please begin a New Topic.
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