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enough swap?

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  • PipPipPip
  • 139 posts
I made a 50 GB partition on my laptop to install lubuntu. The laptop has 3 GB ram. I've read that your supposed to make the swap at least = to the ram but i made the swap 2GB on accident. Am i going to have problems because of this? Should i be Ok? Should i be able to resize these partitions with gparted or would i have to reinstall the whole OS (something id rather not have to do)?
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    Trusted Tech

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  • PipPipPip
  • 791 posts
In the days when RAM was limited a swap partition was a necessary thing, but today RAM is not that big of a concern. I set up a swap partition more out of custom than need. Modern systems don't need a swap partition if you have enough RAM and 3Gig should be enough. If the system seem to be slow at heavy traffic applications that are memory heavy you can always set up a swap later. 1 to 2 Gigs should be enough.
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