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Hear random audio in background, now after trouble shooting, system s

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adwcleaner.exe-This tool is used to remove adware programs.
AVPTool.exe-This is a malware scanner we use to get a deeper scan of what is on the computer.
ListParts.exe & ListParts64.exe ListParts is a program that allows us to see the partitions on your computer. One type of MBR infection creates a malicious partition. This allowed us to rule out that type of MBR infection.
Malwarebytes AntiMalware-Is a great Anti-Malware program, it will remove a lot of things that many antiviruses leave. You can choose to keep the free version of it and periodically run a scan to help.
Repairdisc Windows & WintoBootic.exe- I'm assume the Repairdisc Windows you're referring to is Windows RC (Windows Recovery Console) in this post. WintoBootic is a program that allows you to burn a bootable USB to load the recovery console.
Securitycheck.exe This is a handy tool that allows us to quickly check and see what update recommendations may need give to help keep the computer more secure.

Do you want me to retain these?

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    Trusted Helper

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Of those the only one I would recommend you keep would be MalwareBytes.

The others are either updated so regularly they would quickly be of no use against newer malware or they were downloaded because they were specific to finding and getting rid of the infection you had.
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Thank you, Jasmyne.

Truly appreciate your assistance. Have a great one!
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    Trusted Helper

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You're welcome!! May your future surfing be trouble free!! :wave:
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    GeekU Moderator

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Since this issue appears to be resolved ... this Topic has been closed. Glad we could help. :)

If you're the topic starter, and need this topic reopened, please contact a staff member with the address of the thread.

Everyone else please begin a New Topic.
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