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Computer freeze during Avira Antivirus full scan

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Since 2 weeks ago, my computer would freeze when running the scheduled full scan every night and I had to manually restart it by holding down the power button.
The computer is fine and has absolutely no problems until it runs a scan. It will freeze when it tries to scan the file WLanHC.dll.
I tried to do a scan using Malwarebytes Anti-Malware and the same thing happens. The computer will freeze when it scan up to the file WLanpref.dll.
And when I go into the System32 folder to look up these files, the computer freeze.

There is nothing I can do each time it freezes other than to restart it by holding down the power button.
I don't know how to save the log of the scan since it always hangs halfway and I have to reboot the computer.

I suspect it is a virus that's causing this problem but do not know how I should go abt dealing it.
Would appreciate if someone could help me out on this.

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