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school wallpapers

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for some reason i cant change my wallpaper at school. this annoys me as we are told to be independant but they dont tell us how to change are wallpapers. ive tried getting wallpapers from google images but it doesnt work. please tell me if you can help!!!
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If these are school owned computers, they may have it set so that you can't change things like that without admin rights. That's how we have it at my work, it's a pain but there's a reason for it all.
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    GeekU Admin

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I think it is very likely that your school has placed this restriction on its computers. This is quite common in schools and workplaces. If that's the case, then I'd like to point you to our Terms of Use, which states the following:

We cannot help you get around any administrative restrictions imposed on a school, work or other network not owned and operated by yourself. These restrictions can include (but are not limited to): website blocking/filtering, software installation, email retention, software configuration, network/internet usage, network configuration, forum or chat room restrictions, game server restrictions, or any other actions that are deemed "unauthorized" by the owners/administrators of the network in question.

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