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Thanks for the update.

Please try the following.

With the computer on and showing the Windows Desktop, > plug the mouse into on of the USB ports on the new PCI card.   Result?

Unplug the keyboard from the PS/2 adaptor, (leave the adaptor plugged in. 

Try the keyboard on another computer  in a USB Port on the PCI card..   Result?


Edit, to strike out trying on another computer. 

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Nothing ... not working


Is there any hope? I downloaded the drivermax on 2/12 and that is where my trouble began lol ... On 2/22 both my kb and mouse died and nothings changed or gotten better :(

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Still not working .. tried again and still nothing :(

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Gday Lexy610.

Sorry the PCI card did not work.   I have been looking at and trying the tools on the UBCD to access Windows without success, also asked the other members following the topic for any suggestions but no one has come up with a fresh idea.

At the moment I can't find a fix but will keep looking. 

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Awwwww :(        Ok Thank you so much .. I really appreciate all your time and help :)

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Your Welcome,  :thumbsup:

What program have you been using to burn CDs?

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Think it's called BurnCdCC

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Hello .. I have been doing some reading online about my kb and mouse not working and I came across someone who had somewhat the same problem and they were able to access the computer remotely ...


Is this something I can try? If so how?

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Sorry, won't work for you, I did look at that method.   You must have some kind of program installed on the computer you wish to access and give permissions.


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Oh ok thank you :(

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Have a question .... If I purchased a tower from Dell ... just the tower ... can all my stuff from files and programs be put into the new tower??

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Have a question .... If I purchased a tower from Dell ... just the tower ... can all my stuff from files and programs be put into the new tower??

No, the tower/case is empty, there is nothing inside to move you Data to. 

I think I see what you're  getting at, A new tower would have working USB ports?

The USB ports are OK on you old tower because the keyboard works when you are using the BIOS or the Linux Live CD, they stop working when you try to use windows, this means that it is a software problem.


I may have found another Method to solve the problem.   A colleague is going to take a look.  all is not lost yet, we will get back to you. 

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Yay .. Ok thank you so much!! **Fingers crossed** :thumbsup:

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    GeekU Moderator

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Hello and Welcome on board Lexy610 :welcome:,

my Name is Machiavelli and I will assist you with your problem.
If you booted into safe mode on your computer then print my instructions!
I'm in the 'Senior Team of the forum' and will provide you with advice:

To remove Malware on a computer can be very complicated. Malware (malicious software) is able to hide and so I may not be able to find it so easily. In order to remove Malware from you Computer, you need to follow my instructions carefully. Don't be worried if you don't know what to do. just ask me! Please stay in contact with me until the problem is fixed.

Below are a few tips:
  • Removing Malware is usually very difficult.
    We need to search and analyse a lot of files. As this is done in our free time, please be patient especially if I don't answer every day!
  • Please follow these instructions
    If you don't follow the instructions your computer may crash. If you fix your PC by yourself, this can be very risky!
  • Please stay in contact with me until your problem is resolved
    As Malware may not be totally removed in one session or in one day, please stay in contact with me until the problem is resolved.
  • Please don't run any other tools without consulting with me as this can complicate finding and removing all Malware
    Don't run any tools while I'm fixing your PC. That is counter productive and again, will only complicate finding and removing all Malware!
  • Read my post completely
    If you don't do so, you may make mistakes that could result in your System crashing by your own actions!
I am currently in training and my posts will need to be reviewed by an expert, so expect a slight delay between posts. 


If I understand correctly the DVD Reader works? If yes please do the following:
  • Download here to your Desktop
  • Ensure that you have a blank CD in the drive
  • Double click OTLPENet.exe and this will then open imgburn to burn the file to the CD
  • Next,
    • connect the USB Flash Drive
    • Download FRST and save it to the root of the USB Flash Drive.
    • Reboot the "bad computer" using the boot CD you just created.
      Note : If you do not know how to set your computer to boot from CD follow the steps here
    • When you see a message with Starting REATOGO-X-PE connect the USB Flash Drive
    • As the CD needs to detect your hardware and load the operating system, I would recommend a nice cup of tea whilst it loads
    • After fully load your system should now display a REATOGO-X-PE desktop.
    • Double click the My Computer Icon, next open the drive corresponding to your flash drive
    • Execute FRST by double clicking on the icon FRST.gif
      (When the Tool opens for the first time you must click Yes on the disclaimer.)
    • Press Scan button.
    • It will produce a log called (FRST.txt) in the same directory the Tool is run from.
    • Open the Start Menu and click Shutdown to close the REATOGO-X-PE
    • Insert the Flash Drive on the working computer, then locate and open the FRST.txt log
    • Please copy and paste the log contents to your post.

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Hello  Machiavelli ... Thank you so much for coming on board to help me .. all the other instructors were wonderful and so helpful. I do appreciate you all for all of your time and help! :)


I am actually using another computer to reply and make cd's .. I have been making them on a second computer and using it in the bad computer to boot to like I did when I made the cd with the linux ..


Going to start these instructions in a few .. will update you soon

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