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Trojan.Viknok Activity 3

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In that case, I'll close it out.  Thank you.  It is great to know that you folks are out there and willing to do this kind of thing on a volunteer basis.  It's specially great after the rotten experience with paid for "assistance" which brought more trouble than anything.  It's a good feeling knowing  that not everyone is in it for the money and some are willing to go against the grain.  I see a Physician's Assistant at my doctor's office and she will recommend over the counter remedies whenever she can rather than prescribe what the drug companies want her to. It feels good.

So thank you again, Biscuithd and  to you and everyone who tuned into the show, Be well and be safe.

Once more for old times' sake.... :prop: :yeah:


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Just one more Thank You for the kind words here and in the Feedback Forum. It is most appreciated :)


If you ever need me, please stop back! Heck, even if you don't need me...stop back and say Hi :thumbsup:

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Thank you for the invite.  Maybe then you could tell me why I can't seem to log off  of the site here but I can at home. Another one of those hofner finger skips / slips probably.  Ask OTL about that...."Out To Lunch"    that's me

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Did you really want to leave us? ;)


Chances are you told your browser to either "keep you logged in" or to "save" the log on credentials. Subsequently, everytime you visit, you don't have to login. It's specific to the machine and not to us.

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Whoa....Time out...what's this I see?  Congratulations :beer:  if you're so inclined.     :thumbsup:    I'm proud of you.  Does that mean that you're a Secure :geek:  now?   I never doubted that for a minute. Well,maybe a minute.  I'm kidding.  Good work.  Besides, I just wanted to bump this up to the first page again.  I started to feel quite at home there.  Now to the fade   o u   t

Edited by hofner, 31 July 2014 - 01:15 PM.

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Thank you!!! You certainly had a hand in this, so thank you for your kind words and for your working so well on this.   (Exactly as we rehersed it, right?)

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