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Issue setting up Windows 10 VM on OSX Mavericks 10.9.5 (should be late

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I'm trying to setup a Windows 10 (legitimate) virtual machine on my Mac so that I can use Windows, I'm trying to avoid using bootcamp so I can use OSX and Windows at the same time.


I'm getting an error: 0x0000005D or:




whenever I try to run the machine. 


When I first turn it on it shows the Windows logo and then it goes to this screen. I read some places about a setting in BIOS fixing this but again I have a mac so I can't do that.


What could the issue be here?


After this article and another I saw before I was under the impression I would not have any troubles.





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Figured out I needed to set it up as Windows 8.1, I was doing other operating or system and now it works. 


So this can be closed

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Glad you got it sorted out. We don't normally close posts in the OS forums. :)

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