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Permissions for Auditing

permissions auditing

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Historically, as with 7, in order to get the correct permissions to have Full Control including special operations over my Windows system, even as a member of the administrators group, I've had to sneakily take control of Trusted Installer and then either just give myself permissions or delete trusted installer. Sometimes that would break Windows update because Trusted Installer is apparently needed by the modules installer service for updating. I'm using 8.1 now and I'd like to take permissions over my whole system (even if the system or NT Authority accounts have to have permissions for updating or system stuff) so that I can set file compression and auditing for security. I use 8.1 Home or regular, not professional. How do I accomplish this?

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If you know that doing that kind of procedure "breaks" Windows, why do you want to do it?

Edited by Aura, 26 February 2015 - 08:18 PM.

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| I want to gain file permissions to enable auditing and file and folder compression |.... kind of the open source attitude of it's my system. i'm trying to find a way of achieving the needed permissions without performing a breaking procedure. TIA

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