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I have been questionable information with respect malfunctions by a vendor, here is his claim that I highly doubt:


He claims that I need a Microsoft Certified Technician, presumable one of his, to remove/correct the following and the problems will not be corrected even if I install a new hard drive.


1. remove trojan and attackers

2. remove foreign address

3. remove errors and warnings

4. restarta ll the driverw hichsi stopped running

5. reintall all the driverw hichs i lost

6. reset browser

7. block pop up

8. remove junk

9. remove temp fiel

10. fix regestry value

11. clean up

12. optimisation

13. fix network


I think he is full of hogwash, please varify.


​He even claims csrss.exe if a Trojan, but I believe if it is in the System32 group of items it is part and partial a vital part of the WindowsNT system within Windows Series 7 Ultimate.



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Without knowing the specifics of what is going on I will try to answer your questions. First of all you don't need a Microsoft Certified Technician to do those things. Our staff members in the Malware Removal forum can take care of anything malware related and can most likely help with some of the other items:

For numbers 1, 6, 7, 8 ,9, 11and 12, our Malware Removal staff members are well trained to assist in these areas. They may also be able to fix the registry value (depending on what it is) and the network.

Depending on what the errors and warnings are, removing the malware may correct them. If not, and they are something that the Malware staff doesn't usually handle they will direct you to one of our system Techs when they have finished.

For numbers 4 and 5, a system Tech would be happy to help.

I don't have any idea what you mean number 2 so I'm not sure what we might be able to do about that.


If you think you have malware on the system please open a topic in the Malware Removal forum.

Please read this first so that you can post the needed logs.



He even claims csrss.exe if a Trojan, but I believe if it is in the System32 group of items it is part and partial a vital part of the WindowsNT system within Windows Series 7 Ultimate.

csrss.exe can be malicious but the malicious file is usually not found in the %windir%\system32 folder. That is the location for the legitimate Windows file, like you surmised.

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Hi godangs


I do not think I have a Trojan/malware problem and that this vendor is just blowing smoke to send business to a friend.   Thanks for your reply.   If I really thought I had a problem, I would have posted it on the malware forum.

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Plastic Nev

Plastic Nev


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No harm in posting in the malware forum with the correct logs, the specialists are always happy to help whether a problem exists or not and at least you will know for certain that there is nothing wrong as far as malware of any sort. Plus of course they may be able to pinpoint where an ordinary technical problem may be so you will have enough information for posting on the relevant technical forum.

All for free and no so called businessman trying to con you.



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