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Word document saved to desktop

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Shorti Bebop

Shorti Bebop

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Random question:

If i had a document saved to my desktop at work that i changed the text of and resaved it under a different name (but still saved to desktop) would my nosy IT administrators still be able to see/access the original document (before I resaved it)? I hope that makes sense lol.
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Yes, IT Administrators can usually access all of the files and folders on your computer.

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Shorti Bebop

Shorti Bebop

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Yes, IT Administrators can usually access all of the files and folders on your computer.

What im asking is can they access the original document-the document as it was BEFORE i edited it and resaved it. For example: let's say i typed my resume and saved it as "My Resume", to the desktop. Then I later went back and edited that document, changing it to a shopping list or whatever and re-titled it to "Shopping List ", still saving it to the desktop. Would the IT administrators still be able to find "My Resume " even though I changed it and saved it as something else?
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If the space on the hard drive where the original file used to reside has not been overwritten with new data, yes, it is possible. It's also possible that they make and keep nightly backups.

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Shorti Bebop

Shorti Bebop

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If the space on the hard drive where the original file used to reside has not been overwritten with new data, yes, it is possible. It's also possible that they make and keep nightly backups.

Thank you for your response.
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You're welcome.

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