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Windows 7 Toshiba Laptop wont boot up after windows update

Windows update

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     Hello, I have a Toshiba laptop running windows 7. I can no longer startup my PC. When I press the power button it starts to boot up. I get the screen where it says Toshiba Leading Innovation in the middle and Intel on the bottom right corner. It then goes to a blank screen with 4 periods at the top of the screen and a solid cursor on the left of the screen just below a period.  My laptop was shutdown during a long running windows update. I can access the Utilities cmd2 and boot manager cmd12, but not cmd 8.

     Will I have to reload the operating system? Any suggestions are greatly appreciated. Thank you. 

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Dashing star

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Did you able to enter into safe mode?


Here is how: Start with safe mode

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Some Guy Needin' Help

Some Guy Needin' Help

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I am having a similar problem. After the Windows update, my computer will freeze at 'starting windows'. I have been able to go into safe mode, and have tried different online methods, but none have helped fix my problems. Sorry for piggy backing off of your comment.

Hopefully someone can fix these sorts of problems.

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     I am unable to even get into safe mode. When I hold cmd8 upon startup the laptop just continuously beeps until I let go, then it goes directly to the dark screen with 4 periods along the top and the steady non blinking cursor to the left. I can access utilities and boot mode but not safe mode. 

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Dashing star

Dashing star


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what do you mean by cmd 8? F8?

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