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I Loath Ubuntu

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Help e please i need to get this Kubuntu off of my lenovo laptop it was using windows 8 and i dont know how but some one installed kubuntu or ubuntu or korora or somthing on to it and i cannot stand it please help

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can you explain exactly what you see during start up, is there an option to boot into windows?


also when in kubuntu can you open a konsol/terminal window and type in

sudo fdisk -l

and post the results back in your next reply.


that way i can see exactly what partitions are on your hard drive and see if kubuntu was installed over the top of your windows 8 os and also check to see if you have a factory restore partition we can use to reset everything back to how it was when new if needed.



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If you have the windows disk that came with your laptop then just reinstall the operating system for windows 8


Pictures on how to install windows 8



Video on how to install windows 8

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If you have the windows disk that came with your laptop then just reinstall the operating system for windows 8

Most systems these days don't come with a disk. That said, if they have the ID I believe windows willl allow you to do a recovery. Might also check for a root partition.
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