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Car Audio

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I have a 2003 dodge intrepid and I am having some trouble with my amp and subwoofer. I have a Kenwood sub and amp. I had my sub hooked up in my trunk and unplugged it to bring it inside because of the cold. I plugged it back in today and the sub isn't working. My amp has power, both the fuses are good and not blown, and all of the wires going into the amp are tight. Why wouldn't my sub be working with everything hooked up right?


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 "I am having some trouble with my amp and subwoofer".  I would try & swap another speaker just to see if its not a lose wire? Fuse in the amp or under the dash? Or take the subwoofer out and try it on another unit. - should not be hard to track down the problem. Find an auto shop or audio shop to try out the speaker (and wires + fuses there) good, luck....

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