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Need some advice about configuring PHP to use on site viewer

pdfphp website document

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This is a very small non-public web-hosted repository for several pdf documents used by various groups.  

The program acts as a "miniature library" allowing people to log in, read the necessary documents, then leave.  It is a very old piece of code-work and for years ran reliably until recent changes in all the browsers have made it almost impossible to NOT download every pdf or docx file a User reads.  The download happens the instant they click to open the file in Chrome.  In Edge and others it gives them the option to save or open but the default is to download.


If anything, It would be preferable for downloads to be prevented altogether but certainly not forced upon people.  


Unfortunately, this appears to be handled entirely in the PHP engine and I do not know how to change this function to a site-loaded pdf/document viewer even though I have several different pdf viewer packages to choose from.


Any advice , assistance or pointers would be appreciated


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