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Ghost 9.0 error and question

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I recently figured out how to get Ghost 9.0 to work with XP SP2 but now I have a different problem and can't find any information on the Symantec site about it. Finally, I have a general question about Ghost 9 at the bottom of my post.

When I do a backup with the option to automatically run a verify it does a full backup and then runs the verify. At the very end of the verification process (the progress gauge is all the way at the end) it gets an error and deletes the backup files it created. So I ran a backup without a verification and that works without error, but I don't know if it's ok or not.

This is the error it gets at the end of the verification stage:
Description: An error occurred creating a backup of drive C:\. Error E7D1001E: Unable to read from file. Error 0000045D: The request could not be performed because of an I/O device error.
Details: 0xE7D1001E
Source: Norton Ghost 9.0

I can't find any information in the Symantec Knowlege Base when searching for the error message/number. I also tried Google as well.

Question #2
I also have a general question about Ghost v9.0 compared with previous versions. To make a disk image using an earlier version of Ghost, it would first reboot the machine and then create the image from DOS mode. This is completely understandable - at least to me, for obvious reasons.

I don't understand how version 9.0 can create the same type of disk image while running from within Windows. How does it deal with all of the locked files and files that are in use and possibly changing while it's creating a backup? Is a v9.0 "Backup" the same thing as a "Ghost Image" made by previous versions of the software? It feels to me like I'm not getting the same type of backup I was getting before. I figure that it's either working at a very low device driver level, or it's creating something completely different than previous version's "Ghost Images". Also, the change in terminology from Image to Backup reinforces that feeling for me I guess. But, on the other hand it's still called Ghost. Am I being overly paranoid?

Thanks for any info on either point.
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