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Free Website Builders

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I find websites maddingly confusing.  I didn't know what category to choose for this post, so I chose "Off Topic", well if this is "Off Topic", what's the topic?  Well anyway, I am looking for a free website builder that can explain to me how to get a free website.  So far they have not been able to explain to me how to get a free website.  These websites are confusing, mysterious, they seem to hold dark secrets that everyone is suppose to already know somehow, but I don't.  I went to a site called "Site 123", claimed as the easiest, the simplest and fastest website builder.  Can't understand the site, confusing, mysterious.   They ask me to choose a category, I chose "Blog", then nothing, nothing else to click to go on.   They say they communicate by "intercom", I think that means they talk to you?   I wrote something there but I don't hear them saying anything to me.   My computer is a Dell Inspiron 2350, can this computer communicate by voice?  Do I have to have a microphone or is it built in?   I would really like to have my own website, been working at it for a couple of weeks, have not been able to get one.   This "You'll be up and running in seconds" is bull, more like a month, or never.   Any advice, 'preciate it.

Edited by glacerstream, 15 August 2016 - 03:45 PM.

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Try Kompozer. It's a WYSWYG software that also allows you to edit the source file manually. It has CSS built in and is pretty easy to use. You can even use an existing web-site URL as a template or browse google to find templates to download.



Edited by chuck666, 17 August 2016 - 01:42 PM.

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I want to tell you about Free website builder that is Wordpress. you just need to simply connect it with your domain. it very simply and easy way to make a free new website. you will face a little difficulties at very beginning and in this way Google and Youtube will help you to understand the things. 


One you familiar with things. You can create a professional website with the help of wordpress.

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Edited by naqeeb123, 18 August 2016 - 08:18 AM.

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This type of post is just asking for spam, but I will suggest WordPress anyway. Free, easy, and really nice looking designs, plugins, and other features. It's incredibly user-friendly and easy to learn....and of course there are always thousands of tutorials that you can watch online to figure absolutely anything out. IF you aren't willing to do that minimal amount of work, then go with a company that builds the site for you. It won't be free, but then you don't have to put in any effort.  

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You could make it your self in notepad++ html and css are very easy to lean and code academy is a great site to learn and you'll learn the basics and maybe it won't be so confusing anymore. I'll put a link below and some sites that give free hosting.

If you go the word press way you'll find lots of tutorials on your tube but it isn't as fun an satisfying as saying i pure coded that myself wahooo. lol perhaps i do get a bit to excited about nothing.



Code academy





Free hosting sites


X10 hosting





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Bryan Kaleb Radney

Bryan Kaleb Radney

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I own my own shopify store not free but inexpensive to get started about $29 to get started.Here is a link to my store Check it out https://Ovanas.com 

Edited by Bryan Kaleb Radney, 30 January 2017 - 05:36 PM.

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