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Recording Devices Won't Recognize Any Mics

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First of, my laptop is this one; https://www.amazon.c...0?ie=UTF8&psc=1/ USED. 


Now, here's my problem. 


For the past few weeks my recording devices just decided to stop recognizing any mics I connect to it, every one except the built in one. I know it's not the my mic because it was working great before and I can't connect any mics at all. Not a headset, not the stand mic, not the mic that comes with the apple ear buds, nothing. And it's not the ports because I can connect my headset and listen just fine and my USB mouse works perfectly still. It's only the microphones and it's driving me crazy.

I already tried uninstalling the drivers and restarting and reinstalling, troubleshooting recording devices, etc. Sometimes I connect my mic and it works for max 5 minutes and then starts unrecognizing it. My mic is this (if it matters); https://www.amazon.c...0?ie=UTF8&psc=1. But again, I don't think it's the mic.


Please help.

Edited by NoobieAsh, 14 August 2017 - 11:20 AM.

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