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PS3 Controller refuses to connect

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I recently got a PS3 from my brother. I have gotten 2 controllers with it. A clear one that has LEDs on it, and a regular PS3 controller. The clear one is refusing to connect. I looked where the reset button would be, but it just has screws on the back. I plugged it in and let it charge for 30 mins while it was blinking the entire time and it still didnt do it. It isnt bluetooth and I tried to look where to fix it, but nothing has come up to what I can use.

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Larry Gilmore

Larry Gilmore


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I also got the same issue and still searching for the solution now I got this site where discussion about the PS3 Controller. Hope it helps for both of us.

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Hey guys,
I've been having a prob where my ps3 controller isn't charging or syncing with my console but if I plug it up to my laptop it starts blinking slow oh yum it just blinks fast otherwise HELPPPP!!!!
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