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Anyone heard of the CyberpowerPC Battlebox 8600A?


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I have been rammaging through the internet for a good PC to start gaming on. Has anyone heard of the CYBERPOWERPC BattleBox Ultimate SLC8600A PC? Admittedly, I do not own the PC but a friend I visit occassionally owns it. From the few hours I've been using it, it feels like a solid rig. But my experience with computers is limited so I don't exactly know what I'm looking for. I just know the price tag is not exactly friendly and I wouldn't want to buy it only to find another cheaper value gaming PC.


I've seen a couple of reviews online and an unboxing video on YouTube, but I would like to know if there's anyone here who's used it. 


Thanks in Advance.




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Hi Cyborg.

Depends really on what you want to do with the rig.

What games do you want to play?
What settings?
Resolution and Refresh Rate?

Don't get me wrong, it'll play every game you throw at it. It's just the power in that system may not be required. Are you looking at Streaming/Recording/Rendering at all? If so, as a hobby thing (once a week or so) or as a job like major twitch streamers?

AMD Ryzen 7 1800X  >> https://pcpartpicker.com/list/vspvV6
Intel Core i7 8700K >> https://pcpartpicker.com/list/pnpvV6

Both include Windows 10 Home 64 Bit. These systems are high-end, and really are not required unless you're looking to stream and play 4k games while doing so.

Both are less then $3,000USD (before tax + S&H)

I would be far more inclined to go with something much more moderate, if you won't be streaming or playing very high end games at 4k60fps.

Intel >> https://pcpartpicker.com/list/ntCQV6


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