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Want Windows 7 on SSD and Program Files on HDD--how do I proceed?

ssd windows 7 program files

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I'm setting up a new computer that will have a 250 GB Samsung EVO 850 SSD and two 1 TB Seagate Barracuda hard drives. I want the SSD to be the boot drive and have the Windows folder with the operating system (Windows 7 Professional 64 bit). I also want to have a few programs on the SSD: browsers, email, and VLC Player. I prefer to have a lot of software programs. (That's just me. I have my reasons; don't waste your time trying to talk me out of it.) I don't want to overcrowd the SSD. I want to keep the great majority of programs and of the application data folders on one of the Seagate drives. I guess you could say I basically want a big Program Files folder on a Seagate drive and a mini-Program Files folder on the SSD.

What's the proper way to proceed? Install the whole system drive package, with Program Files and user profiles/accounts as well as the actual OS (which I assume is synonymous with or subsumed in the Windows folder) on one of the HDDs, and then migrate just the Windows folder to the heretofore blank SSD and set the SSD as boot drive in the BIOS?

Or should I install Windows 7 to the SSD and then create parallel Program Files and application data folders on the Seagate hard drive? Or maybe move Program Files to the Seagate if possible, and just have my small number of programs on the SSD in their own folders there?

Edited by conceptualclarity, 08 August 2019 - 07:05 PM.

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Gday conceptualclarity .

So you are aware.   When you relocate user folders, i.e. docs, pics etc, and programs to a second drive, or multiple drives, windows regards and sees them as part of the OS.   If you image the OS everything is included which can mean a very large image.

My method.

IMPORTANT.   Only have the OS drive connected, the second drive is connected at a later date.

install the OS to the main drive, SSD or HDD. 

Install the MB Drivers and any software you require from that disc. 

Install a Browser  

​(Optional) Configure Windows Update for Windows only and , Set to, Check for updates  but let me choose whether to download and install them.  

Update Windows.

Update the MB drivers and software.

Install Anti virus if not using the windows one.

Install Graphics drivers if required. 

Install software you want on the SSD.


When happy with how the computer is running, get back and we can give some options for setting up the second HDD. 

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