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:tazz: I am trying to figure out how to get words that are at the bottom of a movie (all through the movie) off of it. Is there any way to do that, it is so annoying. Is there a software? And also how to get it to go full screen instead of widescreen? HELP!!! Thank you!!!!!!!!
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    Je suis Napoléon!

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where did you get the movie? what kind of file is it? what do you mean by words?
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It is an avi file and I got it from the internet. It plays and at the bottom of the picture it has an internet address on there.
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Retired Tech

Retired Tech

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That is usually to stop anyone else passing it off as their own

In the UK all the major channels have logos because before the logos a European country was recording the output and running their own TV station

If you have a zoom option on the player, you might get rid of the address and black bars at the top
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Shadow Tech

Shadow Tech


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You could try using that video in Windows Media player it might work.
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you cant get rid of it, its permentant into the video signal,
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yes, it is in the video signal, but thats wat video editing software is for. YOu can use a clone tool to "draw" over it, in every frame, you could just cut it out and put ur own there. it'd be hard, but its possible
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