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iPOD ( So you think yours is a problem)

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Retired Tech

Retired Tech

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A 14-year-old girl who received a new Apple iPod opened the sealed box and found raw mystery meat inside

Rachel Cambra purchased a new high-tech iPod for her daughter as a gift this week.

When she opened the sealed box, the device was missing and in its place was a piece of raw meat

Cambra said the box was sealed and that it didn't appear to have been tampered with when she brought it home from the Honolulu Wal-Mart where she works.

An investigation found that a former employee apparently tampered with a shipment of iPods and put the meat into several packages.

The former employee now faces tampering charges

The Wal-Mart where the device was purchased from promised to give the family a new iPod from the next shipment the store receives.
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woah lol. Why meat?
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He was bored? That sucks. I hope I don't get meat when I go out to get mine...
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    Founder Geek

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I hope it was Spam. :)

Mystery meat? :tazz:
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