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Help needed transfering Hi-8 to pc

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  • PipPip
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I was given an external tv card for xmas so that I could transfer over my old Hi-8 stuff onto my pc.
The card didn't come with the best specs in hte world, so the only thing I can tell you is that it's manufactured by Honest Technology, and it's reference on the back is super usb2.0 tv box. Even Everest can't give me more info.
I'm using this box to transfer over from a Samsung Hi-8, model VP-L5308b.

This is one aspect of the pc that I'm new too, so if someone could give me an idiots guide of where to go from here I would appreciate it. :tazz:
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    Retired Staff

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Hi and welcome to Geeks to Go. This would be an excellent place to start your education. Many how to guides etc. http://www.videohelp.com/
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