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How-to remove Winfixer, Virtumonde, Msevents, Trojan.vundo, ATLDistrib

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Please go to the malware forum and follow the instructions at the top....Especially the CLICK HERE.

That will give you several steps that will help you clean up 70 percent of all problems by yourself. If at the end of the process you are still having difficulty--and you may not be-- then post an OTListIt log in THAT forum.
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removed malware advice
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Deepak C

Deepak C

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Hello my name is deepak and i have a big problem! might not be for you guys though
you see, i have several malwares and adwares on my computer, the names are
Killav: which is a firewall killer
Vundo.Bv and VundoGen!.AN which i dont know what the [bleep] it is, probably ad-ware
I have rundll.32 running which every time i quarantine it it comes back
and my windows defender keeps finding it and everytime i restart, more crap goes on it!!!!!
and get this, spyware doctor wont even find any of the stuff
you gotta help me... what do i do???

Oh and P.S my computer wont let me download .exe files, and I've already tried changing the name to iexplore.exe
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  • Retired Staff
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Please go to the malware forum and follow the instructions at the top....Especially the CLICK HERE.

That will give you several steps that will help you clean up 70 percent of all problems by yourself. If at the end of the process you are still having difficulty--and you may not be-- then post an OTListIt log in THAT forum.
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Just a quick question. I ran the VundoFix on my computer, twice actually, and it never found anything even though if I run my McAfee virus scan it comes back with two Vundos on my computer. I don't know if this is a problem, but on a Symantec page it suggested running the VundoFix in Safe Mode if you couldn't get it to open in regular mode, which was the case for me.
That said, I'll run it again and post in the Hijack log section, but since I'm running it in Safe Mode will that affect the outcome?

Also, the computer in question is older and I now have a new one so all I really want to get off of the old one are some work/resume files, other personal info and some photos. The infected computer has two internal hard drives, can I move what I want to keep to the uninfected drive and reset the C drive? Can I just bring the files to my new computer without worry since Trojans don't replicate? The Vundos are located in the "felovofi.dll" and "jadimupe.dll" system32 folder.

I know this was a lot of info, thanks for your time.
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Try post a HijackThis log from Normal Mode if possible, it does change it a little.

It should be save to move those files
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