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burning home DVD using nero

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hey guys i am having heaps of trouble burning my home dvd movies to a full size dvd it is driving me insane :tazz:

my problem is when i am trying to burn two 8 cm disc from a sony DVD Handy cam (DCR-DVD 703E)
nero always comes up with a disc write error but now heres the tricky part:
when i add two discs that have been copied to my hard drive as .VOB files and try to burn them onto a
DVD-RW disc it works fine (i have had many problems with this so i test it on a RW first otherwise i would have wasted 50 DVD'S by now) then after it has finished burning onto the RW nero askes what would i like to do now? and i click "burn same prject again" so i click it and place a 12cm DVD-R disc into the drive and click burn when it reaches around 50-60% an error window appears and it says "burn procces failed' would you like to save the log? i did save it (attachment)
i have tried this so many times and the reason why we got the Handycam was becasue i thought it would be so easy record, burn and watch oh how wrong i was

but today i had some sucsses i managed to burn it to a 12cm DVD-R but i had to create and image of the DVD-RW using Alcohol 120% and then buring that image to a DVD-R.
i no that this works but it is the biggest hassle to do this add twice copy twice and burn twice? not going to put up with this much longer :)

i no this is a long post but im really frustrated and am trying to give you as much dtails as possable
please help i thought this would be easy!
thank you,

P.S im using nero V6.6.1.4
and a sony DRU-800A burner
specs of PC are listed below

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Retired Tech

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They did fix a problem with burn same project again in Nero 7 and it might have applied to Nero 6 and they haven't fixed it yet

Can you burn whatever project you want then click no to save project, exit, change the DVDRW, click cancel when windows auto runs, click make movie and all the files you added to the project will still be there, so click the blue + to add them to the time line then click next, then before clicking burn, click record settings to tick determine maximum speed then click burn

Version Number:
Release Date: February 06, 2006

It was impossible to edit an audio file anymore once the audio file has been added to a compilation
When ripping tracks, it was not possible to create a new folder from within the save dialog
In rare cases Nero crashed when getting free drive space
Encoding of single tracks was not possible - only all tracks of the compilation

Burn process may have failed in case a saved project is used and if the process will be started within 4 seconds. The error: 'unspecific recorder error' was displayed.

Last position of the window is not saved before closing the application.
Video CD menu entries were readable in preview, but not on the burned Video CD
Virus scan did not work with ZIP files
Nero did not detect any CD/DVD device if 3 or more devices are connected, but the virtual “Image Recorder” only
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