What Exactly is Cloud Computing?

cloud_computingThe term Cloud Computing is thrown about all over the place, it seems. Everywhere you turn, someone is talking about it. It’s a hot concept, and a hot conversation topic. The problem, though, lies in trying to even define what exactly Cloud Computing is!

To some people, the definition is very narrow. They define it as an updated version of utility computing: basically virtual servers available over the Internet. To many others, Cloud Computing is a term used for virtually anything you’re doing on the Internet… or “in the Cloud”. To my way of thinking, the definition falls with the latter. To me, anytime you see an entire “program” within a web browser, you’re computing in the Cloud.

Nowadays, you can do virtually anything right from within your browser of choice. There are applications online for everything you can think of… from doing your taxes, to helping you write the next great novel, to even editing your pictures or creating a new ringtone for your phone. How much easier can life be when you no longer have to buy a piece of software, install it on your computer, hope it’s compatible with your machine and other software… you get what I’m saying, right?

Cloud Computing isn’t just a fancy fad term. It’s not something that’s going to go away. Already, we are seeing entire operating systems being created in the Cloud. We have AntiVirus programs already there. As we continue to move forward and new ground is broken, we’ll likely find ourselves buying less physical pieces of software, and doing more of our work (and fun!) right in our browser.

What are your thoughts regarding Cloud Computing? Where do you think we’re headed with it all? I’m interested in hearing your comments, thoughts and feedback.